Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Urban Development in Asia and the Pacific


The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) held an Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Urban Development in Asia and the Pacific focusing on the new urban agenda. The meeting took place in Bangkok, Thailand from December 2nd-3rd, 2014.

The objectives of this Expert Group Meeting are:
• Identify and discuss emerging issues related to the sustainable urban development in Asia and the Pacific, reflecting the key inputs from stakeholders working in the urban sector.
• Identify and discuss priority issues for the region in relation to the post-2015 Development Agenda and Habitat III, which could be discussed at the sixth Asia Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-6) that will take place in May 2015. APUF is a multi-stakeholder forum organized periodically every 4-5 years by UNESCAP with the aim to provide a regional platform for urban actors to discuss and share experiences on emerging urban development issues
• Substantively engage key regional partners in the organization of APUF-6 as a multi-stakeholder forum, specifically through an inclusive preparatory process.

Six sessions were laid out during the two-day meeting, namely:
1. Introduction to the Expert Group Meeting to provide the background and objectives of the meeting
2. Sustainable Urban Development in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
3. Priority Issues for Sustainable Urban Development in Asia and the Pacific – Economic Development
4. Priority Issues for Sustainable Urban Development in Asia and the Pacific – Governance
5. Priority Issues for Sustainable Urban Development in Asia and the Pacific – Social Development
6. Priority Issues for Sustainable Urban Development in Asia and the Pacific – Environmental Sustainability

The Meeting is expected to contribute to the Habitat III due to be held in 2016.

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