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Tackling the diverse infrastructure challenges
through interactive cluster workshop

Infrastructure cluster meeting explores cooperation among members

CityNet’s infrastructure cluster member cities convened in Seoul for a workshop that was aimed at constructing cooperation, getting opportunities to learn from Seoul’s practices through various training programmes and exchanging knowledge among participants. 

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Announcements and Opportunities

Free online course on Management of Urban Infrastructure
CityNet’s partner, Innovative Government of Large Urban System (IGLUS), announces a free course on Management of Urban Infrastructure. This open online course will be released on February 16th, 2016. Participants can also write an optional case study to win a tuition waiver scholarship to the IGLUS professional training programme.   More>>
Learning Cities 2040 - Global, Local, Connected, Sustainable, Healthy and Resilient
The 13th PASCAL International Conference, Learning Cities 2040 - Global, Local, Connected, Sustainable, Healthy and Resilient, is taking place from June 3rd to June 5th, 2016 at the University of Glasgow. There are opportunities to submit proposals for papers and special sessions for cities around the world to showcase their work. The deadline for proposals for abstracts is 1st February 2016.    More>>

Network News

Yokohama shares its public transport development experience with Beijing
Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport (BMCT) visited the City of Yokohama on 21st December 2015 to learn and exchange experiences on Yokohama’s public transport development. Recommended by CityNet Secretariat, this visit was facilitated by CityNet associate member World Resources Institute China.   
Secretary General attends Colombo’s 150th anniversary
Celebrating 150th anniversary, Colombo Municipal Council organized a series of exciting events, including a Panel Discussion of Mayor’s Forum on Future Cities on December 13th, where CityNet Secretary General Vijay Jagannathan chaired & facilitated. Colombo is the largest local authority in Sri Lanka and one of the oldest in South Asia which was established in 1865. Happy 150th Anniversary Colombo!    More>>
CityNet in CDIA’s Stakeholder Forum Expert Group
CityNet Director of Programs Youngmin Chang attended Cities Development Initiative for Asia’s Stakeholder Forum on November 24th in Manila. The forum discussed a set of recommendation to foster partnership with several other international organisations and consolidate collaborations for the year 2016 under CDIA’s annual theme “Partnerships for Financing Urban Development”.   
CityNet attends CityAge Hong Kong
Representatives of CityNet Secretariat attended CityAge, a platform for ideas and business development, designed to enable new partnerships among the business, government and societal leaders who are shaping the 21st Century. CityAge Hong Kong attempted to address the investment models, new partnerships, design tools and ideas shaping the business of city building.    More>>
Development Alliance Korea Talk held by CityNet Secretariat
CityNet held the 11th Development Alliance Korea (DAK) TALK for building the partnership for Sustainable Urban and Local Community on December 17th 2015. CityNet is a steering committee member of DAK since 2014. DAK is an innovative public private partnership group performing to support poverty reduction and sustainable development. 

International Symposium on Sustainable Future in Asia
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Thailand, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Japan and the University of Tokyo (UTYO) Japan organize the International Symposium on Sustainable Future in Asia from January 27-28, 2016. Four solution areas within the broader theme of Climate Change, biodiversity and urban planning will be highlighted. For further information, please contact Mr. Remi Chandran at chandran.remi@nies.go.jp
Season’s greetings from CityNet Secretariat
As we head into the New Year, CityNet Secretariat would like to take this opportunity to express a sincere gratitude for your continuous support with the network and wish you a great year ahead. We look forward to collaborating with you in 2016!    

CityNet Yokohama Project Office

CBARAD-II, Special Meeting of the City DRRM Council
On November 6, a meeting with 48 members of the City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (CDRRMC) was held as a follow up activity for the Component I study visit that occurred from October 25-November 2 in Yokohama. The study visit participants shared with other CDRRMC members the new knowledge and experience they gained while in Japan.  More>>
Completion of the Barangay DRRM Plan of the 5 Pilot Barangays
As a part of Component 1’s activities, all five pilot barangays from the first phase of the CBARAD project completed their Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction (BDRRM) Plans for 2016. The Barangay plans were developed using data from the participatory risk assessments that have been completed since the first phase of the project.  More>>
Meeting with PhilDHRRA
From December 8-10th a Training of Trainers on Participatory Capacity Vulnerability Assessment (ToT-PCVA) was held for 27 individuals with the assistance of a resource person and the 10 newly trained facilitators who were trained on risk assessment in October.  More>>

KABALAKA Camp and Earth Manual Project
From October 23-November 23, the Japan Foundation’s traveling exhibit Earth Manual Project was held at the Museo Iloilo. The exhibit displays disaster preparedness activities from various parts of the world.  More>>

Teambuilding Exercise with the KABALAKA Facilitators
To strengthen Component 3’s KABALAKA Camp activities, there was a teambuilding exercise for fourteen KABALAKA Facilitators on November 26th. The facilitators participated in a number of activities that strengthened their working relations using teamwork.  More>>

Student Based Sustainable and Pro-Active Environment Education Project
As a part of the second phase of the Student Based Sustainable and Pro-Active Environment Education Project, 40 students from Sangamitta Girl School in Galle and 35 students from Saint Anthony’s Sinhala Maha Vidyalaya School in Colombo have gathered for multiple workshops and fieldwork activities between September-November.  More>>
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