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Registration for CityNet 34th Executive Committee Meeting is now open

The registration to CityNet 34th Session of the Executive Committee Meeting is now open. This year’s ExCom Meeting will take place from November 23-24, 2016 in Makati, Philippines. The Secretariat will hold one day of Strategic Planning Meeting on November 23 to strategize CityNet activities.

Further details will be announced when it becomes available. Register now by filling in the online application form or contact the Meeting coordinator, Ms. HeeSoo Joo, at


Announcements and Opportunities

Governor of Seongbuk-gu District and Seodamun-gu District visit the CityNet Secretariat
 Kim Young-Bae, the Governor of Seongbuk-gu and Mun Seok-Jin, the Governor of Seodamun-gu visited CityNet Secretariat on August 11, 2016. Governors had a fruitful conversation with Ms. Youngmin Change, the Director of Programs, on how CityNet and the two districts can co-operate in the near future.

CityNet team at the 6th UCLG ASPAC Congress’ Exhibition

CityNet will participate in the upcoming UCLG ASPAC’s Congress Exhibition at Gunsan Saemangeum Convention Center from September 5-8. We will promote our collaboration with Suwon City Government for the Suwon Human City Forum on November 3-4. The forum will allow Asian municipal leaders to exchange their view on progressive urban reforms to accommodate human flourishing. Make your way to the booth and meet us in person!

Call for applications for the city.people.light award 2016

Lighting Urban Community International Association and Philips Lighting invite cities to send their entries for the 14th edition of the city.people.light award. This award represents a significant step towards promoting the use of light as an essential component in urban development. The contest is open to urban lighting projects that have been completed less than two years prior to entry in the contest.

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Participate in a research on urban governance

UN-Habitat, together with UCLG and the London School of Economics - Cities Programme, are conducting a research to assess the new challenges of urban governance for cities worldwide, with data from 109 cities at the moment. How to participate? Visit or contact by 16 September 2016.

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Network news
The first UNHabitat-CityNet workshop on public spaces

CityNet co-organized the first regional workshop on Public Spaces with UN-Habitat at Kuala Lumpur Regional Training Centre from August 2 - 4. This workshop promoted the use of public spaces to detonate integral developments in the city. This workshop also helped prepare cities to apply for the grant opportunities of UN-Habitat’s Program on Public Space.

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Equi-City project launched in Nagpur

The Equi-City project was launched on February 18, 2016 at Chitnavis Center in Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC). The project aimed at promoting equitable delivery of municipal services across the city. Hon’ble Mayor of NMC Shri Pravin Datke said that the success of the project would improve the quality of life of urban poor and other communities and groups such as women, children and differently-abled persons.

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Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning (LUTP)

The Korea Transport Institute, Seoul Metropolitan Government and World Bank are jointly hosting the 5th LUTP-Seoul on October 9-15. This workshop will take place in Seoul and cover various issues for urban transport leaders such as integrated transport planning, ICT in transportation, PPP, and other key challenges. There is a fee of US $3,500 for the program.

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International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities

We’ve got an irresistible offer for all architects, urban planners, transport operators, property developers, government officials, healthcare practitioners, tourism promoters and academics: get 48% off your registration for Walk21 Hong Kong AND learn how “pedestrian-first” environments promote economic growth, social inclusion and wellbeing from renowned international experts! Join us from 3-7 October 2016 - don’t miss out!

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Smart Cities Conference in Incheon, South Korea
Participate in the upcoming Smart Cities Conference due to be held in Incheon on October 24-26, 2016. The conference will discuss the latest trends and technologies in Smart Cities, Governance, Mobility and Urban Design & Development sector and strategic use of new and high-tech ICT-based solutions. attendees will also visit give sites in Songdo International Business District, a new smart city built from scratch.

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Master Students of Urban Administration & Planning visit CityNet Secretariat
23 Master Students of Urban Administration & Planning from University of Seoul visited CityNet Secretariat to learn about CityNet, the purpose of establishment, primary functions, and how to contribute to boosting cooperation between cities. The students who came from various regions in Asia, Africa and Europe were enthusiastic to discuss about their cities condition in relation to programmes that CityNet offers.
Three new interns join CityNet Secretariat
Ms. Cresti Fitriana,  Ms. Park Garam and Ms. Park Ho Jung have just joined CityNet Secretariat team as interns for both programs and operations team. Ms. Fitriana (left) is currently finishing her post-graduate study in International Development of Hankuk University, Ms. Park Ho Jung (right) is a sophomore in Yonsei University majoring in Political Science and International Relations and Ms. Park Garam(center) is pursuing bachelor degree in School of International Liberal Studies of Waseda University. 
CityNet Yokohama Project Office
9th CityNet Disaster Cluster Seminar in Taipei

CITYNET Yokohama Project Office is pleased to announce that the 9th CITYNET Disaster Cluster Seminar and Symposium will be hosted by Taipei City Government from September 22-24, 2016. The invitation goes out to all Disaster Cluster members and officers in charge of Disaster Risk Reduction Management for a knowledge exchange and networking opportunity to make cities more resilient against disasters.   

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Indonesian delegation visit Yokohama to learn about Smart City Project

Five Indonesian officials from BAPPEDA (Development and Planning Agency) visited Yokohama City hall to learn about Yokohama Smart City Project. The session was conducted at Climate Change Headquarters of the City of Yokohama where they shared the initiative which mainly addresses the energy management schemes and targets reduction of GHG emissions from various sources.

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Technical Advisory Visit on Community Resilience and Fire Safety Programs

As a part of the ongoing technical assistance from Japan to Iloilo, members from the Fire Bureau, the Urban Development Bureau of the city of Yokohama as well as the community disaster volunteer and coordinator of one of Yokohama’s wards visited Iloilo to share knowledge and practices from Yokohama, as the need for fire safety has risen over the years in Iloilo.

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First and Second Batch of Barangays participate in Community Based Risk Assessment

Thirteen barangays participated in an orientation on Community Based Risk Assessment (CBRA) as part of Component 1, CBARAD-II activities. A total of 149 barangay leaders attended the orientation and participated in discussions. The group was led by the City Planning and Development Office, staff from the Research and Planning Section of the City Planning and Development Office, and trained facilitators.

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Early Warning System workshop set up for Coastal Barangays, Iloilo


A workshop to establish a community based Early Warning System (EWS) for storm surges and typhoons in coastal barangays has been set for September 22- 23, 2016 in Iloilo City to strengthen its resiliency. As part of Component 1’s activities in the CBARAD-II Project, 25 coastal barangays have been consulted to develop a EWS to ensure their communities are better prepared for typhoons and related risks.

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Strengthening DRRM Capacities in the CDRRM Council and Office

In cooperation with Component 1 of the CBARADII Project, the Iloilo City DRRM Council and Office began an organizational development process with an aim in strengthening DRRM capacities and core competencies of its members; four workshops where established to achieve this.

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CYO staff visit the Hokubu Wastewater and Sludge Treatment Facilities

As part of staff training, CITYNET Yokohama Project Office staff paid a site visit to the Hokubu Wastewater and Sludge Treatment facilities. The objective of the site visit was to understand how Yokohama City deals with its wastewater and to learn about how treating wastewater is an essential part of the City’s environmental conservation plan.

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CityNet Yokohama Project Office welcomes a new intern

Starting August 2016, CityNet Yokohama Project Office welcomes a new intern to support our office activities. Ms. Akane Inaba will be part of the CityNet Yokohama Project Office for the next month. She is a sophomore at Ferris University in the Division of Global and Inter-cultural Studies and specializes in Spanish and American politics.

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