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2017 CityNet Congress registration deadline extended

Don't forget to register your participation to 2017 CityNet Congress to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 5-8 November focusing on "Our City, Our Future: Sharing Local Solutions for Sustainable Development" by 14 August. We encourage city leaders across the Asia Pacific region to join this unmissable opportunity to voice urban challenges and form partnership with various urban stakeholders, from water management to the role of local governments in implementing SDGs. Sri Lanka's Prime Minister will attend as the Chief Guest and Mayor Park Wonsoon will represent Seoul City as CityNet President.

Call for CityNet Cluster Leads and Co-Leads 2018-2021

CityNet is encouraging its members to submit applications for cluster lead and co-leads for the term 2018-2021. During the 2017 CityNet Congress in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 5-8 November members will elect their new cluster lead and co-lead/s. Secretary-General Vijay Jagannathan, in his notice to members, encouraged the members to apply, 'being a lead or co-lead gives your city/ organization leverage in our policy-decision making process and access to important local government activities in the region.'

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Last call for CityNet Medium Term Plan survey 

The CityNet Secretariat is developing the Medium Term Plan for 2018-2021 to review the network's past work and establish a vision for the future. This Plan will be carried out using the input of members through the survey. Please take few minutes to complete this survey to help us understand your needs and expectations and provide any further details that will assist us to meet your objectives. This survey questionnaire may take 15-20 minutes of your time and may also be dependent on the respondent's pace. 

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Suwon Forum on Asian Human City

Suwon is hosting 2017  Suwon Forum on Asian Human City, which is aimed at sharing and promoting the value of human city among Asian cities. The forum will be held in Suwon's Deoham Public Complex on 25 to 26 September 2017 under the theme "Human City for All (Inclusiveness, Participation, Cultural Conviviality and Sustainability). 

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HELP-O and PIEDAR progress on Community Based SWM Project

The project in Galle (Sri Lanka) managed by HELP-O managed to collect 12 tons of glass through its Glass Recycling Program supported by CITYNET Yokohama Project Office. The collected glass was then sold to Galle Municipal Council. Similarly, to recycle nylon bags used for selling rice, the project has enabled reusing the bag for collecting waste and has been distributed to households in the target communities.

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