2023 Oct. E-News from the CITYNET Yokohama Project Office


Registration just started for the Y-SHIP 2023 and the 12th Asia Smart Cities Conference!

We are happy to announce that pre-registration has started for the Y-SHIP 2023 and the 12th ASCC to be held in November! Please feel free to register from here.

This year’s ASCC will be held as part of the international convention “Y-SHIP 2023,” aiming for open innovation, by attracting both domestic and international talents and companies especially in the GX field. Additionally, under the theme “Asian Cities together towards Zero Carbon.”, at ASCC, representatives from cities, private companies, academic institutions, and international organizations will share knowledge from around the world. Furthermore, it is an occasion for participants to find new business opportunities.

[Overview of the Y-SHIP/12th ASCC]

Time and Date: Tuesday, November 14th (10:00-17:30) and Wednesday, November 15th (10:00-18:00)

(Pre-conference event on Monday, Nov. 13th)

Venue: PACIFICO Yokohama North (some sessions will be streamed online)

How to participate: Advanced registration through the website required. No participation fees. 

Program: Please visit our website for details on thematic sessions, networking, business matching events, etc.


*The CITYNET SDGs Cluster Seminar will be held during one of the thematic sessions at ASCC on 15th (Wed). 

If you have any inquiries or require further clarification, please contact the secretariat below.

We look forward to meeting you in November!


12th Asia Smart City Conference Secretariat: Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.

E-mail: 12th_ascc_secretariat@n-koei.co.jp

*Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., on behalf of the City of Yokohama will serve as the secretariat for the 12th Asia Smart City Conference.

Organizer: International Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama

E-mail: ki-asca@city.yokohama.jp

ASCC Archive: https://yport.city.yokohama.lg.jp/en/city-promotion/archive



Questionnaire on SDGs/Decarbonization

CYO is now conducting survey and collecting information on the current status of SDGs promotion and decarbonization of CITYNET members and the challenges they face. The collected information will be utilized to enhance partnerships among members and other partner organizations, consider the possibility of inter-city cooperation, improve the activities of CITYNET Clusters and seek for any other opportunities of international assistance. In addition, the results of the questionnaire on SDGs will be shared in the Networking session among CityNet members on the 14th November.

CITYNET Members are kindly requested to fill in the online questionnaire noted below in full or as much as possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Deadline:  Friday, 27th October, 2023

Questionnaire for “SDGs” is here.
* Questionnaire for “SDGs” is exclusively requested to be answered by CITYNET Full Members and SDGs Cluster Members.

 Questionnaire for “Decarbonization” is here.
* Questionnaire for “Decarbonization” is requested to be answered by all CITYNET Members.

Contact: CITYNET Yokohama Project Office ki-citynet@city.yokohama.jp

1. SDGs Youth Action Project 2023

CYO implemented an online exchange program focused on the SDGs among several universities and elementary schools in CITYNET member cities in 2022. The aim of the project was to encourage students to approach the SDGs as part of their daily lives and challenge them to take the lead on sustainable action. Building on the achievements of the 2022 project, the second-year project aims to develop further in-depth knowledge sharing among the same schools in Yokohama, Japan and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. In this program, elementary school students from Yokohama City and city abroad exchange opinions about what they recognize as problems in their daily lives from the perspective of SDGs. They are supposed to share results of their discussion to the citizen in public, so that all the cites will be aware of their actions toward the realization of a sustainable world.
The online exchange meeting between Minatomiraihoncho Elementary School and Ulaanbaatar 23rd School was held on October 10th.  In advance of the meeting, Minatomiraihoncho Elementary School asked CITYNET Yokohama Project Office (CYO) to help their introduction of SDGs activity to all over the world. As its response, CYO decided to prepare the opportunity to discuss with students from Mongolia. In the students from Yokohama City shared SDGs cheering song “Colorful Future” created by themselves. One student remarked that the last year’s exchange meeting, aimed at acquiring insights into current environmental issues in Mongolia, inspired them to write the lyrics of their school song. The students from Ulaanbaatar introduced an eco-club and its activities such as tree planting, waste segregation, making fertilizer from organic waste and cleaning events. The Minatomiraihoncho students gave them praising feedback to the ambitious activities, which made all the Ulaanbaatar students smile. Upcoming exchange meeting is now planned to be held in November 2023. In addition, the Minatomiraihoncho students will be introducing their school song “Colorful Future” at the SDGs Cluster Seminar on 15th November. Look forward to it.


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