Call for Participants – City Benchmarking on PPP for SDGs

CityNet and Seoul Metropolitan Government are inviting CityNet members to the City Benchmarking on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on 23-25 May 2023, in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

The three-day programme invites city experts to learn and share the success of PPP projects not only in Seoul but also in cities in developing Asia. The programme features sessions on PPP, sharing of urban innovations, and generating city action plans. Peer-based in approach, the programme hopes to enhance the knowledge and skills of city participants on urban infrastructure financing.

Registration is free but participants will be selected through a competitive screening process.

For those interested, please read first the Program Guide.

To apply, fill up the Application Form.

The deadline for the submission of the Application Form is on 24 March 2023, Friday.

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