This news is from CityNet Yokohama Project Office (CYO)
Participation of the Trainings on Voluntary Local Review (VLR) as a Speaker
The City of Yokohama participated in a two-day online webinar on VLR and SDG Localization for Local Governments in Asia Pacific Region, organized by Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) in partnership with United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) on 13 and 14 November 2024. Providing practical guidance on preparing and conducting VLRs with interactive sessions, the webinar program aimed at enhancing the capacity of local governments in Southeast Asia to localize and report on the SDGs through VLRs as well as fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among local governments. In Day-2 of the program, Mr. Noriaki Yokouchi, International Affairs Bureau of City of Yokohama shared their knowledge and best practices of Yokohama City’s VLR as one of the leading cities in achieving SDGs in the Region. Following the presentation session, a number of questions raised from the participants regarding VLR process, Japan’s system related to SDGs monitoring and so on, and City of Yokohama responded accordingly based on their experience. 2 |January 2025 In addition to that, on November 28, 2024, San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines, hosted an orientation event to San Fernando City’s Voluntary Local Review (VLR), which the previous 13th ASCC encouraged and inspired the city with conducting VLR initiative to create a sustainable community ensuring the city’s strategies aligned with SDGs. Mr. Norio Tomioka, Executive Director, International Affairs Bureau of the City of Yokohama, and other City of Yokohama and CYO representatives participated online in the orientation. This event brought together a distinguished group of participants, including Hon. Mr. Hermenegildo A. Gualberto, City Mayor of San Fernando City, city department managers, section heads, city officials handling SDG-related activities, external partners from San Fernando City, and Arch. Donna Tabangin, City Planning and Development Coordinator of Baguio City.
Mayor Gualberto made the opening remarks by addressing the importance of SDGs and the City’s commitment to undertake VLR, inspired by insights gained at the 13th ASCC. Following that, Mr. Norio Tomioka gave an opening address mentioning Yokohama’s dedication to supporting San Fernando City in achieving its SDGs targets, including decarbonization and urban development. Then, the City of Yokohama provided an overview of VLR process, sharing current supports of other CityNet member cities’ VLRs, and potential support for San Fernando City’s VLR. During the session, the participants from San Fernando City, including Mayor Gualberto, actively engaged in questions and discussions, expressing strong interest in the VLR process. It is anticipated that this orientation event laid a solid foundation for future cooperation between two cities in achieving the SDGs of San Fernando City.
This news was created by Ms. Akiko Yamakoshi at CityNet Yokohama Project Office (CYO).