by CityNet Secretariat | 2024.07.10 | News
CityNet, in collaboration with the University of Seoul International School of Urban Sciences, is inviting you and your colleagues to participate in two new Urban SDG Knowledge Platform online course modules. The modules have been designed to showcase replicable best...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2024.07.10 | News
On June 14, 2024, the CityNet Secretariat held a special gathering for Korean members to discuss upcoming plans and better understand their needs. This event marked the first in-person meeting of Korean members since 2020 and included attendees from nine member...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2024.06.19 | News
Click to download the Demand Survey Demand Survey for Seoul Sharing Project (Reusable Items) The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) is implementing a sharing project aimed at repairing and cleaning durable goods that have exceeded their useful lifespan or are...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2024.06.13 | News
On May 10th, CityNet Secretariat CEO, Mr. Jeong-Kee Kim, visited the Embassy of the Republic of Singapore to meet with the Singapore Ambassador to Korea, Mr. Eric TEO. During the meeting, Mr., Kim highlighted CityNet’s ongoing efforts to enhance international...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2024.06.4 | News
Greetings to all changemakers in CityNet member cities. The time has come to formally announce that the 3rd SDG City Awards Program has been launched. The SDG City Awards is a joint program between CityNet and UN ESCAP, who have partnered since 2017 with the support...