CityNet Secretariat discovers opportunities to collaborate with Seoul Housing & Communities Corporation

On March 23, the Global Urban Development Office of Seoul Housing & Communities Corporation (SH) visited CityNet Secretariat to discuss opportunities to cooperate. The Global Urban Development Office provides consultancy on urban regeneration in the public sector and smart city development.

Since its establishment three years ago, the Global Urban Development Office has made remarkable accomplishments in overseas business, providing consultancies on public housing in Nepal, Vietnam, and the Philippines, among many others. The Global Urban Development Office also worked in Mongolia and India in partnership with the Asian Development Bank and Economic Development Cooperation Fund of Korea Eximbank.

During the meeting, the Global Urban Development Office and CityNet Secretariat sought opportunities to benefit CityNet members through contributions to further reinforce members’ capacity on housing projects and policies. As a first step, CityNet Secretariat and the Global Urban Development Office will further discuss opportunities to work together on the KOICA Joint Fellowship Program by sharing Seoul’s knowledge and experience on affordable housing and developing a module for a capacity building workshop.

The KOICA Joint Fellowship Program is a three-year project on affordable housing that CityNet Secretariat will embark on together with UN-Habitat, focusing on three target countries: Nepal, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

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