CityNet Director of Programs Youngmin Chang was invited to the Partners Workshop: Strengthening Partnerships for Sustainable Urban Development in Asia Pacific organized by UN-Habitat and the Expert Group Meeting on “Regional Perspectives on a Transformative Urban Agenda for Asia and the Pacific” organized by UNESCAP in Bangkok.
The Workshop was organized in the context of the region’s rapid urbanization and the critical role of partnerships for realizing sustainable urban development. The Workshops also provided important linkages to the 6th Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-6), which will take place during October 19-21, 2015, in Jakarta, Indonesia. In conjunction with the Workshop, ESCAP organized an Expert Group Meeting, to discuss APUF-6 and other regional political processes.
The Expert Group Meeting served as an opportunity to further define and prioritise the overall agenda and focus of the APUF-6 to be held back-to-back with the High-level preparatory meeting for Habitat III. ESCAP, as the regional arm of the United Nations in Asia-Pacific, will be leading the regional preparations for Habitat III and develop a strong and shared voice from Asia-Pacific. CityNet supports ESCAP’s endeavors to develop an Asian Voice and will invite them to the upcoming Executive Committee Meeting and International Seminar to be held from October 5th 7th to hear Asian voices from CityNet members.