On 19th November, the latest SUTP technical document “Urban Mobility Plans – National Approaches and Local Practice” has been launched at the Integrated Conference “Better Air Quality 2014 & 8th Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum” in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The document reviews approaches for Urban Mobility Plans (UMP) from various countries and showcases a growing number of examples calling for a shift away from the traditional, infrastructure-oriented approach towards sustainable and people-oriented planning. Urban Mobility Plans are used as planning tool and policy instrument to guide the development of transport in urban areas and surrounding regions. In several countries, such as Brazil, France and India, the development of Urban Mobility Plans has become an obligatory requirement for receiving national government funds for urban transport projects. The paper’s intention is to support local policy-makers and planners in shaping urban mobility planning processes and policies in an effective and inclusive manner.
The publication has been co-authored by Susanne Böhler-Baedeker (Rupprecht Consult), Christopher Kost (ITDP) and Mathias Merforth (GIZ), with vital inputs from Kartik Kumar (GIZ) and further contributors from various countries.
Soon, the document will be available as well in Spanish and Portuguese language.
2. Carsharing Services in Emerging Economies
The latest SUTP Technical Document on Carsharing in Emerging Economies aims to evaluate the potential, as well as the necessary political support structure, for the implementation of carsharing services in emerging economies. Beginning with a basic introduction to the function and benefits of carsharing, the paper identifies key success factors and best practice of mature carsharing markets.
Since insufficient governmental support as well as a low level of public awareness are central challenges for the development of carsharing systems, the purpose of this document is to not only raise the publicity and understanding of carsharing in emerging economies, but also to provide best practice guidance for local authorities that aim to find suitable solutions to the negative impacts of increasing motorized individual transport. It also includes a practitioner’s contribution from the City of Bremen, one of the leading municipalities in Germany with regard to support for car sharing schemes. The report has been prepared in cooperation with GIZ projects based in the PR China.
3. The world of sustainable mobility is full of innovations!
The autumn 2014 edition of Sustainable Mobility Innovations, presents new tools, approaches and concepts which are being developed, tested and implemented to make the life of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users more comfortable.
Read here about the new cycling infrastructure in Copenhagen, a real time bus app in Beijing and an app to rate Matatus in Nairobi.
For further information and suggestions please email Dominik.schmid@giz.de