UN-Habitat Opportunity: Shelter Academy 2014

As presented by Dr. Joan Clos, Executive Director of UN-Habitat and Neil McArthur, CEO of ARCADIS NV, we are pleased to announce the the Fourth Annual Shelter Academy, Adapting & Mitigating Climate Change: Options for Cities, that will take place in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, The Netherlands during the period 1-4 September 2014. See attached brochure.

Target Audience
– The 2014 Academy is aimed at UN-Habitat Partner Cities.
– Participation is targeting (but not limited to) high-level local officials and senior level decision makers and policy makers, including mayors) from mid-sized municipalities, in the Africa, Asia and Pacific, as well as the Latin America regions.
– It is anticipated that these participants will be able to act as ‘multipliers’ within their own organizations and regions, communicating best practices and key lessons learned from the Academy to colleagues and counterparts. The Academy aims to host a maximum of 20 participants.
– The official language of the Academy will be English.

The academy is focused on actual participant-driven case studies. Participants are expected to prepare and present their own case studies which will increase knowledge exchange, self-reflection on problems and solutions and collective learning on urban development challenges related to climate change. These should be presented and in power point format. Participants are expected to reflect on strategies to overcome these challenges. The Academy will promote learning and capacity building on the topic of cities and climate change and will foster a meaningful dialogue on how cities are responding to these challenges. Additional case studies from lecturers, site visits and peer-to-peer dialogues with Dutch municipalities, policy makers and decision makers will further enhance the quality of the programme.

The programme provides fellowships to participants who meets the credentials of the target audience.
The fellowship includes travel from and to home country, accommodation in the Netherlands, meals, local transport, training materials, site visits to Dutch cities, meeting with their peers.
The selection is competitive for the limited number of fellowships.

The attached registration form should be sent to not later than 30th of May.
Selected participants should send their case study in ppt format not later than 1st of July.

For further information contact sandrine.cardon@unhabitat.org.

Shelter-brochure 2014
Registration Form Shelter Academy 2014

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