Urban SDG Knowledge Platform officially launched

The “Workshop on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asian and Pacific Cities” hosted by ESCAP from November 30th to December 1st, 2016 in Bangkok, was the perfect opportunity to launch the Urban SDG Knowledge Platform attended by representatives from 27 local governments, 11 national governments, and 29 UN bodies and organizations. The platform, developed by CityNet, Seoul Metropolitan Government, and ESCAP, was well received as a collaborative effort to share city policies for the localization of the SDGs.

Representatives from the three institutions emphasized the need to connect the current knowledge platforms which complement each other to implement the SDGs while promoting sustainable development for all. This is one of the key elements of the Urban SDG Knowledge Platform, as it is expected to become not only a gateway to the SDG-related city policies, but also to other knowledge platforms available to help local governments develop sustainably. The Urban SDG Knowledge Platform is also expected to be a tool to improve the offline activities of CityNet, ESCAP and other organizations willing to use its information. CityNet will use this platform to find cities that would like to share their policies through workshops or sessions and to facilitate its city-to-city cooperation program, CityNet Services.

The Urban SDG Knowledge Platform will improve CityNet´s current work and open new opportunities to help its members in achieving their sustainable development goals. Join us now by using the information on the platform already or uploading your city policies at http://www.urbansdgplatform.org/

For more details about the “Workshop on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asian and Pacific Cities” including the program, participants list, presentations, and supporting documents please go to http://www.unescap.org/events/workshop-implementation-2030-agenda-sustainable-development-asian-and-pacific-cities

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