by CityNet Secretariat | 2018.12.31 | News
UNESCAP and UN-Habitat hosted the ‘2018 Regional Project Inception and Co-learning Workshop’, with the purpose of strengthening the capacities of local governments and urban stakeholders for project on localizing the SDGs for sustainable urban resource management... by CityNet Secretariat | 2018.12.31 | News
Founder and co-founder of Aksiku.Lab visited CityNet on the 30th of November to discuss about participatory design in the making of sustainable city. The founder of Aksiku.Lab, Ms. Teti Armiati Argo is a senior lecturer of Institute Bandung Technology. The co-founder,... by CityNet Secretariat | 2018.12.31 | News
Lalitpur Metropolitan City (LMC) hosted a localized training on leadership development with support of CityNet Project Office Yokohama and CityNet Secretariat. The workshop was held throughout November to December divided into three different sessions; Training on...