Call for City Solutions for the 2022 Global Smart Solution Report

The Global Smart Solution Initiative was launched in 2018 with the vision to carry out the Bonn-Fiji Commitment and realize the Sustainable Development Goals. Issued during COP23, the Bonn-Fiji Commitment demonstrates local and regional leaders’ strong intentions to work with all levels of government as they align with the Paris Agreement. International Climate Development Institute (ICDI) and ICLEI Kaohsiung Capacity Center (ICLEI KCC) published the first Global Smart Solution Report in 2019, outlining ten urban challenges that various cites have faced and their practical solutions in achieving inclusive, resilient settlements.

ICDI, a CityNet associate member, is calling again this year for city solutions to be part of the 2022 Global Smart Solution Report.

The two themes of the report are Green Investment and Innovative Technology. Selected city solutions will have their cases published in the 2022 Global Smart Solution Report and will also be offered the chance to share their presentation at the 2022 Sustainable City Forum, where they will be honoured at a special ceremony. Selected cities will also be offered a round-trip flight ticket and accommodations for the duration of the Forum.

Please submit your cases to by sending the application form by September 1, 2021.

Application Form  More information

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1 month ago


Registration for 2024 Smart City Expo World Congress is open!

📣CityNet is thrilled to announce our continued partnership with Fira Internacional de Barcelona for the Smart City Expo World Congress and hereby welcomes you to take part in this exciting event!

Cities share common challenges. We encourage everyone to be in Barcelona at Smart City Expo World Congress to share what works with cities from all over the world!

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