CityNet and Spanish embassy discuss potential cooperation in EU

CityNet CEO Mr. Jeong-kee Kim visited the Embassy of Spain on 27 April and held discussions with Spain’s Ambassador to Korea, Mr. Guillermo Kirkpatrick, on the topics of CityNet’s cooperation with Spanish cities in recent years and the network’s interest on the outreach in Spain and potential collaboration in the future.

Mr. Kim highlighted CityNet’s ongoing efforts to expand its international partnership and collaborations with various cities around the world, especially with Spain. CityNet and Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) collaborated on research about the Energy-efficient buildings and co-published the research report after the CityNet delegates visited Barcelona in 2020. In 2023, CityNet will conduct an outreach visit to Spain and attend the Smart City Expo World Congress which will be held in Barcelona during 7-9 November. This is the first time CityNet Secretariat has been able to participate in the event in-person after virtually supporting the event during the pandemic period.

Ambassador Kirkpatrick praised CityNet’s commitment to promoting sustainable urban development and becoming a big network of urban stakeholders in Asia-Pacific. He also highlighted the importance of a continuous partnership and expressed the interest to connect more Spanish cities to CityNet.

CityNet looks forward to expanding the network and provide more opportunities for the exchanges and collaborations between members cities in Asia and potential members in Europe.

This article has been written by Program Assistant Seoyoung Lee.


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