CityNet CEO Jeong-kee Kim paid a courtesy visit to Vietnamese Ambassador to Korea Nguyen Vu Tung on July 10. The purpose of the meeting was to touch base, discover mutual priorities, and strategize ways to further engage Vietnamese cities in CityNet programming. CityNet CEO Kim emphasized how Korea and Vietnam’s historical development trajectories and close cultural and economic ties makes them ideal partners to discuss sustainable urban development. Programs Director Youngmin Chang touched upon the strong roles that Vietnamese members have played in hosting key CityNet events prior to the pandemic.
The Ambassador graciously agreed to help CityNet spread the word of upcoming events throughout cities in Vietnam.
The CityNet Secretariat eagerly looks forward to creating more opportunities with Vietnamese cities while wholeheartedly embracing their memberships.
Chris Di Gennaro is a Program Officer at CityNet, where he manages the Urban SDG Knowledge Platform, a joint project with UNESCAP and the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Previously, he worked at ESCAP to organize an urban innovation themed startup competition. Chris holds a Master of Korean Studies from Yonsei University and a Bachelor of Psychology from Vassar College. He is keenly interested in the workings of cities and facilitating sustainable urban development.