Dr. Tony Michell is appointed as the new Senior Adviser to CityNet

CityNet is pleased to announce that Dr. Tony Michell has been appointed as a Senior Adviser. Dr. Michell is a regional and urban economist who has written about urban transport and worked with Korean planners and international consultants on a series of World Bank, UNDP, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Construction projects in Asia. Recently, he has been involved in LRT design in Africa, Mexico and Asia.

Currently President of KABC Ltd., Dr. Michell and his company have recently partnered with CityNet in publishing “Smart Cities, Mobility, Walkability and Emission” and a white paper on Cloud Adoption for Asia’s Cities together with Microsoft.

After graduating from Cambridge as a regional economist, he became the youngest lecturer appointed at Hull University. He has taught in Cambridge, Hull, Louvain, Rotterdam, Seattle, and four universities in Korea and currently teaches Change Management and Promoting FDI at KDI School of Public Policy and Management in Sejong.

Dr. Michell came to Korea as an economic advisor to the Korean government in 1978. During that time he made a number of recommendations for modifying the bus system of Seoul and was subsequently hired by the World Bank for a series of urban transport projects. He worked for various international and Korean government agencies before setting up a private practice which advises multinationals and undertakes research on aspects of the Korean economy for broad range of clients. He chairs the Korea Business Forum a monthly meeting of business and foreign diplomats held in Seoul.

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