by CityNet Secretariat | 2022.06.5 | News
On 2 June, Almeria and Incheon met again to explore their potential topics of cooperation. At the last meeting, Almeria and Incheon shared their cities’ interest in Agri-Tech and Hydrogen. For this meeting, the two cities have decided to narrow down on the topics of...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2022.06.2 | News
On 30 May, Taichung hosted a webinar on applying AI technology to air quality management through the ICP-AGIR thematic webinar, “Strategies for Improving Air Quality in Taichung City.” Taichung shared its expertise on scoping the current environmental situation,...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2022.05.27 | News
One of the champion cities for the Circular Economy cluster, Taoyuan, hosted a forum about Improving Waste Management. The online forum gave cities the opportunity to exchange best practices and implementations from Taoyuan, Braga, and Grenobles-Alpes-Métropole. From...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2022.05.20 | News
“To resolve traffic congestion, a city needs to increase the capacities of existing roads rather than constructing new ones,” said Dr. Youngjun Han, an associate research fellow at the Seoul Institute. This is one key takeaway from the CityNet-Seoul Human...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2022.05.20 | News
In May, Taoyuan and Braga had an opportunity to discuss Sustainable Transportation in Rural Areas. For this bilateral meeting, Taoyuan shared experiences implementing new transportation options, which helped the city step forward towards sustainability. Taoyuan...