Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning (LUTP) September 10-16, 2017

The Korea Transport Institute, Seoul Metropolitan Government and the World Bank are jointly hosting the 6th LUTP-Seoul on September 10th through Sep. 16th, 2017.

Sponsored by CityNet, this workshop will again take place in Seoul, and cover important issues for urban transport leaders such as integrated transport planning, ICT in transportation, PPP, and other key challenges.

You will have opportunities to participate in presentations, group discussions, site visits to Korea’s cutting-edge transport related institutions, and networking luncheons/dinners.


You can download the application form online by visiting the URL below:

Your completed registration form (scanned copy) can be emailed to

or faxed to: +82-44-211-3222 by August 10, 2017.


A fee of US $3,500 will be charged. This would also cover the cost of boarding and lodgings in Korea.

Participants will be expected to bear their own airfare to reach Korea.


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