City Creditworthiness Academy

Seoul, Korea – April 21-26, 2014

Credit Worthiness Academy
The World Bank and partners invite CITYNET members to the 2014 City Creditworthiness Academy. The City Creditworthiness Academy will assist senior financial officials from sub-national governments and public enterprises across Asia to master the underpinnings of creditworthiness. Participants will develop an action plan to improve their creditworthiness and facilitate access to finance for low-carbon and resilient infrastructure.

The agenda of the City Creditworthiness Academy offers a set of intense training modules ranging from revenue management to climate smart capital investment planning, and from debt financing options to the enabling environment for sub-national finance. The training emphasizes peer-to-peer learning and focuses on the practitioners’ perspective, highlighting best practices from Asia and from across the world. The Korea Development Institute will also organize dedicated site visits for the Academy’s participants.

Interested participants should complete the application form and send it to Lauren Wilson by March 8, 2014.

Accommodation and facility costs will be covered by the organizing partners. Participants are expected to fund their own travel costs. Limited funds are available for participant travel subsidies and requests for such funds should be indicated on the application form. Requests will be considered on the basis of need and merit.

For more information, please visit

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