CityNet extends presence at the Philippine Local Planners’ Convention

Philippine CityNet members showed full force at the 30th National Convention of the League of Local Planning and Development Coordinators (LLPDC) on March 11-15, 2019 in Naga City, Philippines. The annual convention of local planners is the Philippines’ biggest with an estimated 600 participants attending the four-day event.

CityNet, through its National Chapter Philippines, managed a technical session on green growth and SDG localization. The session provided a platform for dialogue among key stakeholders to ensure sustainable development processes take account evidence-based planning and policy formulation. The session also presented opportunities to introduce CityNet into a wider audience.

Five Philippine members presented as city resource speakers – Legazpi, Baguio, Naga, Iriga, and Muntinlupa. Associate member League of Cities of the Philippines co-facilitated the session. Makati City, also the President of the National Chapter Philippines, developed the synthesis and closing remarks.

During the session, Legazpi City and Baguio City presented their city development plans and strategies relative to green growth planning.

Legazpi City Chief Planner Joseph Esplana underscored the strengthening of disaster preparedness and resilience measures before implementing green growth projects. Baguio City Chief Planner Evelyn Cayat said the city is managing green growth through strong policy regulation and greening program. As an upland resort city, Baguio is faced with influx of tourists and migrants due to its cool weather.

Meanwhile Naga, Iriga, and Muntinlupa cities shared their strategies on SDG Localization. Naga City Chief City Planner Wilfredo Prilles Jr. said the city has already integrated SDG indicators into their city development plans. Mr. Prilles also said that residents have envisioned for a compact city. Muntinlupa and Iriga cities showed strong SDG localization strategies through their different sectoral programs.

CityNet Philippines partners Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Philippine Country Office and National Economic Development Authority also presented national situationers and project successes on local green growth and SDG localization.

In her closing remarks, Merlina Panganiban, City Chief Planner of Makati City, said green growth and SDG localization are two critical important processes that local governments must mainstream into their plans and programs, she added.

Also speaking on behalf of CityNet National Philippines, Panganiban highlighted the importance of learning exchanges among peers. She encouraged the participants to join CityNet to have a broader access to capacity development and benchmarking among local governments in the Asia Pacific region.

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