Climate Leadership Program

The Climate Leadership Program is CityNet’s annual leadership and peer-based learning series that aims to increase the capacities of climate change practitioners in the Asia-Pacific. This year, in consideration of COVID-19, the fourth Climate Leadership Program was held online. CLP was hosted in partnership with Jakarta Research Council, ICLEI, CDP, ArchiCity, and GrEEnAcc.

The first session set the context for the Climate Leadership Program, and featured Frans Sugiarta from United in Diversity as the key speaker, who shared about Transformational Tri-Sector Leadership. A summary of the session, speaker presentations, and the Youtube video can be found here: Climate Leadership Program opens first session

The second session discussed Carbon Finance, and featured Paul Butarbutar from PT JJB Sustainergy and Indonesian Carbon Management Association, Hanah Paik from CDP, Axel Michaelowa from Perspectives Climate Group and Zurich Carbon Market, and Chunmei Li from Climate Change Division, Beijing City Government. A summary of the session, speaker presentations, and the Youtube video can be found here: Climate Leadership Program holds its second session

The third session focused on Resilience Innovations and Carbon Trade, and showcased two cities, who shared about their experiences. The session featured Ms. Qing Liu from CEEX Guangzhou, Bogor City Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto, Pasig City’s environment chief Allendri Angeles, Indonesia Joint Crediting System’s current advisor Dicky Edwin Hindarto, and Dr. Felicia Jiang. A summary of the session, speaker presentations, and the Youtube video can be found here: Cities share their local climate actions in the final CLP session

Finally, CityNet released infographics summarizing the key highlights and discussions from the three sessions held during CLP 4. They can be found here: CityNet releases infographics for CLP

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