Conference with Seoul Metropolitan Government

On September 29, CityNet Secretariat hosted a conference with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and had a meeting with HyoungZhin Kim, the Ambassador of International Relations, Sanghoon Lee, International Cooperation Bureau Division, Hyunju Lee, Global Urban Partnership, and Changhee Lee, Deputy Director of Global Urban Partnership Division.

This opportunity was used to introduce some of CityNet’s activities, discuss ways through which CityNet and the related departments of the Seoul Metropolitan Government can explore the future strategies of CityNet Secretariat, and plan ahead to cooperate.

As a series of urban diplomacy between CityNet Secretariat and Seoul Metropolitan Government, CityNet delivered a message about the resolutions of current issues we are facing and discussed the way of cooperating through various projects and activities. Meanwhile, CityNet shared the major activities coming up this year and in the future.

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2 months ago


Registration for 2024 Smart City Expo World Congress is open!

📣CityNet is thrilled to announce our continued partnership with Fira Internacional de Barcelona for the Smart City Expo World Congress and hereby welcomes you to take part in this exciting event!

Cities share common challenges. We encourage everyone to be in Barcelona at Smart City Expo World Congress to share what works with cities from all over the world!

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