Infrastructure cluster leader, Seoul Metropolitan Government, hosted a constructive meeting and workshop from December 7th-9th for eight participants from various member cities. This year’s meeting was not only used as a discussion platform to explore cooperation among members, but it also provided a space to share valuable experiences and challenges from all participating cities.
Fully committed to sustainable development, Seoul City included a lecture on the introduction of Seoul Smart City to participants and field trips to Seoul’s Transport Operation and Information Service (TOPIS), Arisu water purification centre, sewage treatment centre and Mapo resource recovery plant. These visits were complemented with interesting presentations on Seoul´s infrastructure programs to inspire improvements and cooperation between the different cities.
A session at the end of the workshop was facilitated by CityNet Secretariat to identify strengths and areas to improve in every city, and to identify potential activities and city-to-city collaborations. From this session, a draft list of activities for the year 2016 was developed to support the ongoing work of the Infrastructure Cluster.