LUCI Annual General Meeting in Seoul, 2-6 November


LUCI (Lighting Urban Community International) and Seoul Metropolitan Government are organizing the LUCI Annual General Meeting in Seoul from 2-6 November 2016. CityNet is supporting partner of the event.

This international forum for cities on urban lighting provides a platform for a broad range of stakeholders such as local governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and private companies. Representatives from cities from around the world will showcase and discuss innovative urban lighting initiatives and trends, addressing issues such as energy efficiency, smart lighting, light festivals, and more.

Please join the event and take the opportunity to connect with other important stakeholders and promote your innovative projects in the field of urban lighting.

LUCI is an international network of cities and lighting professionals committed to using light as a major tool for sustainable urban, social and economic development.

More information, including the program can be found on the event’s official website here:

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