Smart Utilities establish a new connection between Sejong and Sofia

In March, Sejong and Sofia met again to discuss Smart Utilities. In this meeting, Sofia presented about Smart Utilities and Green Energy while Sejong presented about Renewable Energy. Both cities focused on the topic of Smart Utilities, with diverse project examples and upcoming renewable energy plans. Through this meeting, cities also showed great interest and indicated to continue discussion on this topic for this upcoming study visit.

Sejong presented the New and Renewable Energy (NRE) Distribution. In Sejong, there are various ongoing projects that are tied to NRE. Sejong shared its five current NRE Subsidy projects: NRE Convergence-Combined, Public Facilities, House, Social Welfare Facilities, and Small Photovoltaic Panels. The city emphasized that the biggest project currently is the Subsidy Project for Small Photovoltaic Panels. This project aims to supply more than two energy sources, Solar Power Energy and Geothermal Energy, and expand the installing areas into places such as houses, public buildings, factories, stores, and barns.

Sejong closed their presentation with the city’s plan for the next five years and the expected outcomes. In the following years, the city is planning to apply 188 Solar Power sites and 22 Geothermal sites in four different townships around the city. Through these sites, the implementation would contribute to an 878t reduction in carbon emissions, the equivalent of planting 130,000 pine trees with lifespans of 30 years. Moreover, the city is planning to continue developing the south side of the city by 2022, the north side by 2023, and the middle city part around 2024. The city will continuously support and implement projects to achieve Renewable Energy.

Sofia shared how Smart Utilities and Green Energy are used in the city and shared a Kindergarten’s project as an example. This kindergarten project has three main focuses: Photovoltaic Installation, Intelligent Monitoring System, and Canary System. Sofia shared that, on top of the building, there are 30 panels which help to bring 30% of energy efficiency. The energy from these panels can be directly applied in the building, such as used to cook meals for the children. The second part Sofia emphasized was the Intelligent Monitoring System which can measure real-time electric consumption, Photovoltaic electricity production, air conditioners, and even the water measurement in two kindergarten buildings. As you can see in the photo below, Sofia is able to monitor every aspect of the building.

The Canary System was shared as the last focus. This air quality system is implemented inside of the building where it can easily see and show the overall environment of the building. The device detects and measures four things: level of fine dust particles, carbon dioxide, temperature, and related humidity. Not only is the system is available to for children to interact with, bringing an opportunity for children to learn about the building, with all of its measurements and efforts from the city, it helps to provide the best environment for children and can quickly detect any unfavorable emergency situation in the building.

Sofia also shared that this kindergarten project’s purpose is to increase energy efficiency and aims to show a more environmentally friendly energy system. However, based on the outcomes of the project, this pilot project has the potential to be expanded in public buildings or municipal buildings soon.

On top of public transportation, specifically in micro-mobility and MaaS, both cities will continue to focus on Smart Utilities and Renewable Energy which involves various stakeholders and partners. This particular meeting was an opportunity for both cities to see new interest and showed an excellent area of cooperation that can be extended through the upcoming study visit in May.

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