Press Release: CITYNET Brings 300 Officials to Seoul

Press Release: CITYNET Brings 300 Officials to Seoul

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                        FOR INFORMATION CONTACT Monday, September 23, 2013                                                                                            ...
Press Release: CITYNET Brings 300 Officials to Seoul

Member Publications

[Seoul Cartoon] Policy Sharing Makes Cities around the World Happier (Seoul) e-Government Metropolitan Rapid Transit Public Transportation Seoul Tap Water Arisu Urban Gazette: The Economics of Urbanization by Dr. Anjum Altaf Presentations: 2013 CITYNET Seoul Congress...
Press Release: CITYNET Brings 300 Officials to Seoul

CityVoices magazine, published twice yearly, is a collection of experiences and reflections on CITYNET projects as experienced by partners and member city officials. Each issue focuses on a particular theme related to CITYNET’s mission to build sustainable and...