by CityNet Secretariat | 2020.09.17 | News
We may not often think of the many adverse environmental and social impacts in the communities where we live, work, and play. The dynamics are complex. When a part of the community gets disrupted or faces threats, everyone could be affected. So, what makes communities...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2020.09.5 | News
CityNet supported its National Chapter India host, Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (HUDCO) – Human Settlement Management Institute (HSMI), in the conduct of its webinar on “Affordable Rental Housing for Migrant Workforce in Post COVID-19...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2020.08.24 | News
Launch of the Final Report of the CityNet, AMB, and EU-Korea Climate Action Study Visit According to the World Resources Institute, although all buildings must be net zero carbon by 2050 to meet the Paris Agreement goals, less than 1% of buildings today are fulfilling...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2020.08.21 | News
CityNet National Chapter Nepal hosted a Webinar for sharing experiences and lessons learned from COVID-19 Pandemic on 13 August 2020. The webinar aimed to bring all National Chapter members and potential members together on an online platform to share ideas and...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2020.07.29 | News
CityNet participated in the Urban Finance Webinar that was organized by Think City and Global Development Indicator on July 28, 2020. The webinar is the second of its series that seeks to inform the global audience on the different challenges and opportunities for...
by CityNet Secretariat | 2020.07.29 | News
Launch of CityNet Special Publication on COVID-19 The CityNet Secretariat is glad to announce the recent launch of a Special Publication titled “Local Responses and Measures to COVID-19.” This special publication is one of many of CityNet’s outreach...