by Erin Um | 2023.07.19 | News
CityNet recently organised the ‘Seoul Smart Resource Management Program for Urban SDGs Action’ in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Held from July 12 to 13, the program was tailored for a delegation of civil servants from Sidoarjo Regency. Its primary objective...
by Erin Um | 2023.06.22 | News
On 7 June, CityNet, in collaboration with the Think City Institute and Safetipin, introduced an online course titled “How Safe is Your City? A Masterclass on Urban Safety”. The course launch attracted an impressive enrolment of 76 participants, civil servants and...
by Erin Um | 2023.05.2 | News
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for the Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) officials visited Korea this week in preparation for the 8th Asia Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-8). During their visit, they held meeting with several organisations including CityNet,...
by Erin Um | 2023.03.20 | News
The Urban SDG Knowledge platform is currently accepting case study submissions for the 2nd CityNet ESCAP SDG Awards Program. This year, the case studies will also be included in the 2023 Future of Asian & Pacific Cities Report that is being collaboratively...